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I am always looking for different ways to present vegetables to my family.  I read a lot of whole foods blogs, many of them written by raw food enthusiasts, and have seen people using a spiralizer to make vegetable pasta.  As a gift to my husband last year, I bought this spiralizer (he had suggested it would be great to make veggie pasta for work, but I knew we would all eat it!).

Spiralizers are also called benriners and are offered in a range of prices.  I chose one that removes the center from the vegetables because that tends to be the most watery part.  With the center removed, the long strands of veggies (especially cucumber pasta) last longer in the refrigerator.

This past weekend, we used our first local zucchini from North Star Orchard.  It was a beautiful, large one with zebra-like stripes (sorry, no before pictures).  Marc turned this zucchini into long strands of pasta using our spiralizer.

The kids loved their veggie pasta complete with a little zesty “bleu cheese” miso vegan dressing.

This post has been inspired by the Savoring Summer series over at FIMBY, where Renee is blogging three times a week showcasing the beauty of summer in her life and has invited us to the do the same.

If you are celebrating the 4th of July this weekend or Canada Day, enjoy!